Broadcasters Foundation of America Grant Programs

The mission of the Broadcasters Foundation of America is to improve the quality of life of men and women in the radio and television broadcast profession who find themselves in acute financial need due to a critical illness, accident, natural disaster, or other serious misfortune.

Below is a listing of our active grant applications.  

  • Monthly Grants are for broadcasters and their families who are facing an illness or medical condition that affects the broadcaster's ability to work full time.
  • Emergency Grants are for broadcasters recovering from personal property damage and home displacement after a natural disaster or other emergency.

To learn more about each grant program, click the "Guidelines" drop down.  If you meet the qualifications listed, please click "Apply" to start the application process.

If you have questions, please email us at or call 212-373-8250.

BFOA Monthly Grant Application Instructions:
Broadcasters Foundation of America provides monthly grants to broadcast professionals who are unable to work due and in acute financial need due to a critical illness, medical crisis, or other serious misfortune.

Program Guidelines
Applicants must:
1. Meet at least one of the two employment requirements listed below:

  • Have been employed for a consecutive five (5) year period by one or more radio and/or television broadcasting companies (whether currently, or during the course of his or her career). For our purposes, a radio or television broadcasting company is one that provides free over-the-air broadcasting utilizing full-service television and/or radio licenses issued by the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”).
  • Have been employed, for a consecutive five (5) year period, by a media representative firm that sells media time or space on behalf of radio and/or television broadcasters, or a state broadcast association. 

2. Meet at least one of the requirements listed below:

  • Be unable to work due to a critical illness or serious accident and are experiencing acute financial hardship
  • Have a dependent child that suffers from a severe, prolonged illness that is causing acute financial hardship for the family
  • Require placement in assisted living and the attendant costs are causing acute financial hardship for the broadcaster or their family
  • Upon the death of an eligible broadcaster, a surviving spouse may apply for a Monthly Grant within three (3) months of the eligible broadcaster’s death if they find they are experiencing acute financial hardship due to this loss.

If you meet the above requirements, please answer the following eligibility questions. Read each question and accompanying note carefully and answer each question truthfully and accurately. Applicants that qualify will be directed to the full application.

Broadcasters Foundation of America provides one-time, emergency grants to broadcasters who need financial help recovering from a natural disaster or acute emergency.

There are two ways to apply for an emergency grant:

  • Personal Application - Broadcaster applying for themselves following an emergency
  • Employer Application - General Manager, Market Manager, or HR representative applying on behalf of your employees following an emergency

Follow the application prompts to choose the correct option. All applications must be received within 30 days of the emergency.

Applicant Guidelines

Regardless of application type, all applicants must:

  • Have been employed for a consecutive five (5) year period by one or more radio and/or television broadcasting companies, a media representative firm, or a state broadcast association.*
  • Currently work in broadcasting full-time.
  • Be in acute financial need due to personal property damage or unexpected expenses caused by a natural disaster or home emergency. We cannot provide assistance for income loss, unemployment, or business damage/losses.

For questions about our grant programs or help with the Submittable software, click here.

*For our purposes, a radio or television broadcasting company is one that provides free over-the-air broadcasting utilizing full-service television and/or radio licenses issued by the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”), a media representative firm that sells media time or space on behalf of radio and/or television broadcasters, or a state  broadcast association.

Broadcasters Foundation of America